“Our “need” clouds our judgment.”
Our Perspective
We are under pressure. We have limited time and resources. We want customers. We want money. We want people. We want investors. Nope. We need customers. We need money. We need people. We need investors. Gaining market acceptance is key to our success. Forging relationships with key employees, vendors and investors is critical. When we interact with the market, interview an employee, evaluate a vendor or present to an investor, we want—sorry, need—things to move in a positive direction. We want to believe that the customer, employee, vendor or investor sitting in front of us wants to do business with us or is right for our business
You will be evaluating a consultant who seems to have a lot of experience and isn’t that expensive. He can also start right away. Our first thought is, “Wow, someone who we can afford and who is available?” Do you ask yourself, “If he is good, why is he cheap and why is he not working?” Of course not. We want to believe.
For entrepreneurs, the early stages of building a business are particularly challenging, simply because you lack resources, established customers, relationships, capital and employees. But in the end, your perspective is everything: you can choose to ignore harmful deficits and continue to “want to believe.” To believe that the employee is right. To believe that the vendor will perform. To believe that the investor will fund. To believe that the customer will sign on. Or you can acknowledge this ineffectual perspective and turn the temptation to look the other way, or see what you want to see, into a chance to involve your entire team in better decision-making. You want to believe. The sooner you realize this about yourself, the sooner you can address this natural tendency and turn a frustration into a win.
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