The Brutal Truth

What I am about to tell you is as unfair as it gets. You put in the money, strain your personal life (if you have one), deplete your finances (if you still have any), strain your relationships (if you have any), cry, drink, don’t sleep, don’t date and spend every waking moment on the business. Is anyone else willing to make the sacrifices you make every day? So if your company is struggling, or not progressing as quickly as you would like, whose fault is it? Yours. Yep, even when you work the hardest. You care the most. You put in the most hours. You are the most dedicated. You are the most passionate. It is your fault. No one said being an entrepreneur was fair. 

“Success of your business starts with you.” 

The Implications

With that in mind:

  • Why is there too much to do? Because you need to set the priorities and align your resources to those priorities.
  • Why do you lack financial resources? Because you need to raise enough money to keep the company properly funded.
  • Why do you lack human resources? Because you need to raise the capital necessary to build the right team.
  • Why do you not have established priorities? Because you need to understand how a company that has to do everything, can still prioritize one thing over another.
  • Why do internal and external constituents lack clarity? Because you need to avoid communicating in a way that is confusing and verbose.
  • Why are you frustrated with existing resources? Because you need to understand their role, establish their job, and align their skills to the appropriate tasks.
  • Why do you make reactive and emotional decisions? Because you are reactive and emotional.
  • Why is the management of your company reactive? Because you need to build a plan.

Isn’t that a relief ? You thought you had hundreds of problems to fix and you only have one—You. At first glance, this may seem like a huge slap in the face. On the contrary, it is the realization that will unlock your potential and create new skills and opportunities to move your business forward.

It’s tough, but once you realize the power of changing your perspective, the challenge becomes exciting, and the responsibility becomes liberating and not so different from the satisfaction you feel being responsible for inventing a great idea or trendsetting product.

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