“There are few feelings like building something from nothing.”
We’ve Been There and We Know The Feeling!
The same is true for the entrepreneur. There are few feelings like building something from nothing. All the hard work seems worthwhile when our vision comes to life. Most of us will never forget our first logo, office and investment. Our first customer. The first day we made a profit. When we served that first piece of pizza. When someone wore our jewelry. The first press we got—it might have been a mention in the St. Lance Gazette with a circulation of 1,000, but it still felt great. Once we become the entrepreneur, there is a transformation that subsumes all that we do. It doesn’t matter whether you are designing jewelry, building a new app, starting a catering business, opening a restaurant, or creating a healthcare company. You might be an innovator in the new sharing economy with a business on Uber, Etsy, Airbnb, or TaskRabbit. Whatever you’re doing—if you’re an entrepreneur—it is an obsession.
If we didn’t live – we wouldn’t be talking about it. We’ve been there and learned a few (maybe thousands) of things along the way and want to help you succeed!
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Intelligence – knowing what to do and what not to do under the pressure of being an entrepreneur – is the key to your success. Our Learning Community is the one stop shop for the intelligence you need. Instead of countless hours searching for answers, we’ve organized what you need to know across all of the business and personal issues you face. You’ll get answers from 100s of learning modules, tools and templates, vendor reviews and a vibrant community of your fellow entrepreneurs. Try it for free!