Let your mind and body recharge so you can be healthier, happier, more productive and a more efficient entrepreneur.
We know how it goes, running from one task to another, constantly worrying about your lack of resources, both human and financial, never enough time to just stop and think about how our mind and body is paying the price for the constant “go go go” mentality. For us this sometimes the battle becomes a badge of honor. We take on all challenges, and figure the work and the stress are just part of the deal without realizing we are not being the most productive and efficient as entrepreneurs.
“We take on all challenges, and figure the work and the stress are just part of the deal.”
Of course we should work less. Of course we should sleep more. Of course we should spend time having fun. Seems obvious, yet none of this makes sense to the entrepreneur who needs customers or investors, or is worrying about payroll. But if you fail to recognize what this can do to your mental and physical wellbeing, and fail to act on it, it will eventually (or very suddenly) affect you and the organization.
You Need a Release
The pressures of being an entrepreneur can be overwhelming. You must have outlets and even guilty pleasure you turn to for a release. This is not contrary to the idea of being an entrepreneur. This is actually a way to be a healthier, happier, more productive and more efficient entrepreneur.
Whether it is bourbon, working out, yoga, meditation, spending time with your family or going to the movies alone, you need your release. Not only will you get the benefit of the release, but also your perspective will change. When we are wrapped up in our own world, it is difficult to see beyond our four walls. When you break a sweat, or think about the sacrifice of others, or see a child smile, your brain takes a break. It stops focusing on all of the things on your plate (and all the things you are not getting to). Give your brain a well-deserved time out and it will really clear your head. This leads to new ideas, new ways of thinking and new, often more creative solutions to problems. Find your release and make it a part of your week.
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