“When your customers fail, you fail.”
After all, it’s easier (and faster) to blame the customer for everything that is going wrong than to take a good, hard look at yourself, your product, your service and your people. In the early stages of your business, you will likely have customer issues, especially if you are creating something innovative. Your product or service will not perfectly fit the needs of the customer. Customers will not want to pay for what you perceive to be the value of your product or service. You may not have all the infrastructure to service your customers. These are all common customer issues of young companies.
Speaking of customers in a negative light also sends a message to your employees that it is acceptable to blame customers, instead of addressing the issue and troubleshooting a creative solution to problem. Crafting new solutions not only strengthens your team’s ability to take responsibility and problem solve, but encourages stronger customer relationships—and your own success.
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