Pick your tasks for the day

Every entrepreneur faces an overwhelming set of tasks to be accomplished. The list is endless. Strategy. Technology. Team. Business models. Plans. Tactics. Functional areas. Branding. Sta๏ฌ€. Money management. O๏ฌƒces. Fundraising. For every 10ย hours of time, there are 100ย hours of work. Itโ€™s like standing in front of a dam holding back a river of water. Your first issue of the day arises and pokes a hole in the dam, and you plug it with one finger. Then the next hole and you use another finger.

After a few hours, youโ€™ve encountered 10ย issues and youโ€™ve used your 10ย fingers, soย problem solved. Then another leak springs and then another. No problem, you are an entrepreneur and you are creative. You use your toes. Soon itโ€™s only lunchtime and you have used all ten fingers and all ten toes. Then one more hole comes, and you figure out a way to use your tongue.

“We WILL get through this together.”ย 

As entrepreneurs we are subject to a constant pressure and intensity that is hard to imagine. That is on “Day 1.” What happens on Day 100, 200 or 500? There are complex business issues to resolve; competition waiting to pounce from across the street or around the globe. No guarantees that hard work and smart ideas will equal success.

So how do you be resilient in the face of 100 hours of work and 10 hours of time? It is not surprising then that entrepreneurs come to work, and instead of focusing on the tasks of the day, they worry about what is not getting done. If you focusย on the 99 things that you canโ€™t do that day or mentally jumpย ahead to tasks that require multiple days, you will waste time and effort.

Once you have decided on your tasks for the day, stop worrying about other tasks and finish the ones in front of you.

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