Trust Must Be Earned

When you start a business, you spend a lot of time alone with your thoughts. Even if youโ€™re not a solo operation, there may be very few people that you confide in or talk openly to. You probably have your inner circle. It may start with a circle of oneโ€”youโ€”or maybe your small team. To get your business moving, you develop relationships with a select few people who are helping you get ahead.

You do not earn someoneโ€™s trust because you do business with them. Someone does not earn your trust because they do business with you. You have to earn the trust of others and they have to earn your trust. This applies to everyoneโ€”investors, customers, employees, consultants, and vendors.

“We WILL get through this together.”ย 

What Should Make You Trust

I know you are seeking people to confide in. I know you want to be able to share information with the vendors, advisors, consultants and investors that help you grow your business. I know you want to believe that everyone you interact with will share your vision, have your best interests at heart and make the sacrifices it takes to make it happen. Donโ€™t let these natural desires cloud your perspective. Regardless of your wants, trust must be earned. Do not trust someone because they write you a check or sign a contract. By the same token, no one should come to the table trusting you. Your perspective must allow you to come to the table with an open mind, but make sure before you confide in someone that they have earned the right. Make sure that people demonstrate the behavior and attitude that warrants your trust.

  • Have they demonstrated it over a period of time?
  • Have they made concessions to help you advance your business?
  • Have they gone out of their way to advance your business?
  • Have they had your back in a sticky situation?

Try to be objective and start from the basic premise that they must earn your trust before you start telling them about the petty crimes you committed in college.

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