So many things to do, so little time. Every entrepreneur comes to work each day with more than a few balls in the air. As soon as we tend to one, we drop another. ย Is this just the nature of the entrepreneurial beast or it there something we can do about it. Think of it this way, if we walked into a Board room at Apple and said, “we are going to pursue every market with every product”, everyone in the room would laugh and security would escort you out the door.

If we walked into a Board room at Apple and said, “we are going to pursue every market with every product”, everyone would laugh and security would escort you out the door.ย 

Well-run companies prioritize. They pick the most important initiatives to drive the business and they focus on them. The explicitly decideย not to do certain things. And for the things they make a priority, the operationalize that focus. They do this with regular reporting, weekly meetings, dashboard and applying the bets thought to priority as part of a regular process to stay on track. ย Try it sometime – pick your top 3 priorities and give them focus. ย Watch the impact it will have on your business.

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