What You Feel:  even with all the challenges of being the entrepreneur, when it works there are few feelings like it. It’s one thing to have success in your business life. It’s another to see a manifestation of your vision come to life.

Perspective: There are few feelings like building something from nothing. From a vision to reality. We all remember our first customer. The first day we made a profit. When we served that first piece of pizza. When someone wore our jewelry. The first press we got. It might have been a mention in the St. Lance Gazette with a circulation of 1,000, but it still felt good. The things most worth doing are often the hardest and they are also the most rewarding. There is nothing like building something from nothing. Whether you are opening a jewelry store, creating a fragrance, making a movie, starting a public relations firm, building an “app” or designing a dog collar, there are few feelings like watching your vision come to life.

There are lonely days. When we achieve, however, it seems as if the loneliest days never happened. It’s hard to describe, but the warm water at the end of a five minute freezing shower seems about right. In the same way that the loneliest days make us feel alone and question ourselves, the best days not only unlock boundless energy, they tap into our spirit. So many people say every day “I wish I was working on something that I was passionate about.” When you have great days, or parts of great days, your spirit comes to life.

What did you feel when you won your first customer? Did you feel a chill up and down your spine like you would when the warm water hit? Did you call your spouse? Did you scream something ridiculous like “you can’t handle the truth?” Achievement in the face of challenges – financial, emotional and visceral – inspires, enlightens, and energizes. That energy can last for days, weeks or months. The challenges of yesterday no longer seem like insurmountable obstacles. They seem like mere speed bumps along an inevitable path of success.

Even with all the challenges of being the entrepreneur, when it works there are few feelings like it. It’s one thing to have success in your business life. It’s another to see a manifestation of your vision come to life.