WHAT YOU FEEL: with so much to do and so much pressure, it’s hard not to react or be emotional

PERSPECTIVE: You must be a deliberate, thoughtful and unemotional leader in the midst of all the chaos.

You must see through the noise and pressure of the moment and make deliberate, thoughtful and unemotional decisions. If you are not able to, you may make bad decisions, alienate constituents, or cause others to question your leadership and the potential of the business. I know what you are thinking – “ I wish I could have one hour when I was deliberate OR thoughtful OR unemotional.” It is difficult to take a deep breath, process information objectively and make good decisions but you must take emotion out of the equation. Emotion causes us to be reactive as well as bad decision-making. Keep in mind, when you react emotionally, your employees and investors question your leadership. Customers question your judgment. Employees think to themselves “We have a good business idea but do I think we can be successful if this is the way our leader acts”?

You also need to be deliberate. The whole day of an entrepreneur is about scrambling.  As hard as it is, go slow when it comes to important decisions. Think about how often you reacted to the situation in front of you only to come back a day later and realize the implications of your actions.

Not only is this characteristic key to making good decisions, it sets the tone for the company. In the face of pressure, when you can take a step back, process information and make deliberate and thoughtful decisions, you create a sense of calm and confidence in you and the company. When situations come across your desk, how you act sets the tone for the entire organization.

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