WHAT YOU FEEL: you can’t seem to get people to understand how much they need to put into this to make it successful

PERSPECTIVE: We lose perspective as entrepreneurs.  We lose sight of the fact that the rest of the world does not wake up with the passion and focus that we do. Something has spurred us to take this wild journey to create our venture. Our hearts and souls are in it. Our business lives and personal lives (if we have them) are intimately intermingled.  We think about it twenty-four hours per day and our dreams are not of sipping pina coladas or a relaxing day at the spa, but rather having our first yoga class with real paying students. We must accept that this is a unique place that we occupy and if we expect others to have the same perspective, we will be disappointed.

No one cares as much as we do. It is unlikely anyone else is losing sleep, shunning their personal lives, or investing their heart and soul. We have this expectation that anyone associated with our venture wakes up with the same visceral desire to see it come to fruition as we do.

The sooner we accept that there is no one out there that cares as much as we do, the better off we will be. It is our perspective that is off, not theirs. This can be detrimental when team members and other resources that are working hard are criticized for not being committed. Telling that to someone who has just worked a long day or a weekend is a great way to turn them into an ex-employee.

 It takes a true spirit to bring an idea to life. Not everyone has what it takes to bring the energy to create something from nothing.   I always felt lucky not only that I stumbled on to something that might turn into a good business, but that I was working on my passion every day. People will say to you, “Work is fine but it’s not like I wake up passionate about credit card marketing. I wish I woke up every day working on something I really believed in.” We are lucky to have found our idea or our vision. We are lucky to have that glow in our eye. What goes with that is the reality that no one will care about it as much as you do.

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