What You Feel:you don’t know how anyone can understand unless they have all the details
Perspective: One of your most important roles is to communicate with the various constituents of the company. Whether it is a customer, employee, investor or advisor, you must be able to quickly and succinctly convey the element of your business importance to them. Simple. Easily understood. Clear, and clear to an individual that is not living and breathing it every day like you are.
Put another way it has to be “short and sweet.” Simplicity leads to depth. When a party understands the essence of something, it leads to deeper discussions on the topic. If an individual cannot grasp the essence of your value story, your product strategy, or your business model, it is unlikely you get into a meaningful debate on its merits.
If you can’t communicate clearly, progress will be harder. With customers, sales cycles get longer. With investors, deals get harder. With employees, your ability to keep them motivated and aligned becomes harder. For third parties, like advisors, who dip in and out of your business at infrequent intervals, it becomes difficult to leverage their scarce and valuable time to be productive.
Make a commitment to being a better communicator.
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