WHAT YOU FEEL: you are willing to do whatever it takes to bring your vision to life

PERSPECTIVE: once you have made the decision to be the entrepreneur, you have become a superhero that possesses unique characteristics. Just as superman can leap tall buildings with a single bound, you possess certain traits that are not found in mere mortals.

You have vision – the ability to see an opportunity where others cannot.

  • Courage – the guts to leave stability, or comfort or normalcy, to take a risk.

  • Passion – a desire to not settle for the status quo and create your own idea.

  • Grit – the willingness to do what it takes even when it is hard.

  • Determination – the strength of character to plow through the challenges.

  • Creativity – the talent to see opportunities and solutions where others see roadblocks.

  • Individualism – the independence of spirit to take an idea and run with it. 

Imagine if there was a superhero that didn’t just leap tall buildings in a single bound, or swim underwater, or possess superhuman strength or spin a spider web. Imagine if there was a superhero that could do all of that. Well that superhero is you – the entrepreneur.

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