The Lonely Entrepreneur Community provides workspaces, incubators and accelerators with a foundational web-based platform to include in the benefits of membership or use as an additional, digital revenue source.
The Lonely Entrepreneur Community helps workspaces, incubators and accelerators accomplish several goals:
- differentiate from the competition for startups and entrepreneurs
- have a platform that provides the foundational content and learning entrepreneurs need
- create a new, digital revenue stream with existing members
- create a revenue stream with those entrepreneurs that are not currently in the workspace, incubator and accelerator (e.g., startups not accepted into an accelerator, startups not ready to rent space)
150 Learning Modules
The Community consists of twelve learning areas that cover the business and personal skills all entrepreneurs need. The learning modules in each area consists of video lessons and reference tools. Click here to visit the Community.
Sample Course
Tools to Drive Learning
The Community offers tools to encourage, measure and drive learning behavior.