Leading the Company

Whether you wanted the job or not, congratulations, you have been promoted to CEO. Even though your passion may be focused on the product or service you deliver, you must lead the company. Even if you don’t want the job, it’s yours. Employees, customers, vendors, advisors and investors will all expect you as the entrepreneur to lead. Whether you wanted the job or not, you have to lead.This may feel natural to some and unnatural to others. Either way, it is a great opportunity both for your company and for you personally. Your company needs – and expects – you to set the tone.

“You must lead every day.” 

Without that leadership, even great ideas can fail. And for you personally, the ability to grow from “creating a product or service” to “leading a company” is a transformation that will serve you for years to come. You thought there would be a party when you became CEO. Just like when you became the entrepreneur, no one handed you a membership card. Same with being CEO. Even if you don’t want the CEO title, you must run the show.

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