“We WILL get through this together.”ย
What should not be in your plan?
Your plan must only include essential things. Of course, we all have bigger dreams for our businesses. During this time we have to put those dreams inside and focus on getting through all this. This means that the things we decide to do and more importantly not to do will be critical choices we have to make. As a result, you must resist the temptation to simply execute the plan you had prior to the crisis. That means you may have to eliminate one or more of the following.The simple question you must ask yourself is do I need to pursue this to survive? Consider holding off on any of the following:
- New Hires
- New Marketing Spending and Programs
- New Product Development
- Launch of New Products
- Increases in Salary
- Acquisition of New Equipment
Obviously, if your business is doing well and not subject to the risks of other businesses, you can invest in these items. But if you are unsure, make sure you put these things on hold until the dust settles.
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