Everything Can’t Be at The Top of The List

Most entrepreneurs are in a state of chaos. Everything needs to be done at the same time. Financing, people, product, customers, business models, technology, operations, finance, cash and the list goes on. Entrepreneurs are in a constant state of hole plugging because you lack financial and human resources. That is the nature of the beast. But what you can change is how you manage the overlapping tasks that are demanding to get done.

“Setting priorities is the first and foundational step.” 

Especially with limited resources, you must decide the organization’s top priorities and align what resources you have to processes those priorities. Does that mean that you neglect the rest of the business? Of course not. It does mean, however, that when you set priorities, you treat them distinctly and with more focus and energy than other activities. When you set something as a priority, you create an operating structure (such as the one outlined below) that brings the organization’s focus and accountability to that priority. In addition, these top priorities require your best thought and the inputs and expertise from various constituents. It is not only about setting priorities, but building the processes that bring the focus, substance, expertise and accountability of your organization to these priorities.

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