Inspire People To Go To That Next Level

The people that are working in an entrepreneurial venture work long hours and put their heart and soul into every day. We certainly expect that everyone that joins a new venture understands that, but how do we motivate people who are already working their tails off to perform at another level.
So the question is, how do you maximize the performance of your people? The perspective of most entrepreneurs is that they expect their people to work hard. Some entrepreneurs expect their people to work constantly. That is the default strategy that entrepreneurs use to drive performance. โ€œYou signed up for this.โ€

“We WILL get through this together.”ย 

Is this right? The question is, โ€œHow do you truly engage your people so that they are not only productive, but deliver at a level which far exceeds your expectations?โ€ And how do you do it so they are fulfilled and excited about what they do with their lives?โ€ I think the answer will surprise you.

The best way to unlock the potential of employees is to help them achieve what they want in life. When this happens, they begin driving forward at work. How could they learn more about the product? Could they sit in on sales meetings and learn about the sales process? The more we showed them that our company was a way to help them in their lives, the more we unlocked their potential. The customer service representative who wanted to sing opera is now one of most respected client services managers running some of our most complex health clientsโ€”and boy can she belt out a tune.

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