Embrace The Gift of Growth

There is a famous line in the John Lennon song “Borrowed Time”—“The more I see the less I know.”

Once you accept this, it is easier to see that your perspective is both the cause of your company’s problems, and its best opportunity for success!

Embrace the gift of growth and learning. You may tap potential you didn’t know you had.

“The success of your business starts with you, and only you can bring your vision to life—and to see it grow successfully.” 

Your Skillset Must Consistently Be Evolving

There’s a powerful book called Leading at the Speed of Growth: Journey from Entrepreneur to CEO4 by Katherine Catlin and Jana Matthews. It addresses the long-standing belief that entrepreneurs who start a business do not possess the skills to help a business grow. It challenges this notion and argues that entrepreneurs have enormous talent that simply needs to be applied differently at various stages of the business. In other words, the unique talents entrepreneurs possess—drive, passion, creativity, the stomach for risk and uncertainty—can’t remain static or be applied with cookie cutter repetition to distinct and evolving stages of your business. No matter how much talent you bring to the table, to achieve success you can’t remain satisfied with your own status quo. Your skills and perspective must be adaptable and flexible as you grow your business.

This had a profound impact on me. It was as though someone said to me, “If you are as good as you think you are, you need to change.” Initially, this really challenged me—though I’m sure it was my ego talking. Then I realized how much a change in my own perspective could help my company. What an opportunity. I also didn’t realize was how empowering it was to be challenged, to acknowledge shortcomings and to grow. Change in the midst of calm seas is one thing. Change in the middle of a hurricane is another. If you can come out the other side, imagine what that would feel like? When someone asks you, “How is your company going?” you probably answer with a description that includes the word crazy or chaotic or nutty or something unprintable. Wouldn’t it be something to be able to say, “We have our shit together”? When my company was acquired, one of the sales team members of the company that acquired us said to me, “Every time I interact with your business or your people, you are organized, structured and efficient.” What a message to be able to share with your team. It still makes me proud.

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