Being an entrepreneur requires intense time, effort and focus. ย Each day is a rollercoaster of ups and downs. By the end of the day, we are usually spent. ย As we get toward the end of the day, we tend to run out of the patience, perspective and emotional intelligence required for us to interact with the world around us. While the rest of the world has gone home to their families and friends, we are often toiling away like it is two in the afternoon.

You will often find yourself thinking, “Was I really going to send that?”

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Very little good comes from anything after 10pm. ย After a full day, we tend to be much more reactive and emotional about things that come across our desk. So if you are tempted to respond to something that comes across your desk that late, don’t. If you have thoughts or reactions, draft the email but do not send it. Put it in your draft folder. Then go read it in the morning. You will often find yourself thinking, “Was I really going to send that?” And if you are thinking about initiating things to an employee at that time, don’t. We all work hard but you must respect an employee’s space if you expect them to come to work and bust their hump every day. Many great mistakes have been made after 10pm. Just don’t do it.

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