On a daily basis, it is really hard for us entrepreneurs to understand how everyone on the planet (and maybe even other planets) aren’t toiling day and night. After all, doesn’t everyone out there know that were are trying to bring our business to life? There is no lunch hour. There are no days off. What is a vacation? This is how we think about the world on a day to day basis. But what happens when we hit August and the winter holidays?

Try to use time when it is quiet to do things you usually wouldn’t have the time to do – plan and think.

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For most of the world, August is a time to take advantage of beaches and summer fun. And the winter holidays are a time to spend celebrating with friends and family. But for us entrepreneurs, they are times of great angst. It doesn’t make any sense to us that the world slows down in August. It makes even less sense that some countries throughout the world take the whole month off. Don’t they understand we have a business to build? The same is true about the winter holidays. We can’t just put our head in the sand (or the snow) from December 1 to January 15. I’ve been working hard to try to get governments to have everyone who takes time off to get their act together, but try to keep in mind that not everyone is like us entrepreneurs. Try to use time when it is quiet to do things you wouldn’t usually have the time to do – plan and think. Revise your business plan or come up with next year’s goals. Whatever it may be, try not to lose your perspective in August and December.

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