Entrepreneurs dream of having their company appear on the front page of a major publication or doing an interview on a major network. Public relations can certainly create breakthrough moments, but in most cases it is simply an important part of an overall marketing strategy. Many marketers see public relations as only handling rudimentary communication activities, such as issuing press releases and responding to questions from the news media. But in reality, in a time when customers are inundated with thousands of promotional messages everyday, public relations offers powerful methods for cutting through the clutter.

“Public relations offers powerful methods for cutting through the clutter.”ย 

Public relations involve the cultivation of favorable relations for organizations and products with its key publics through the use of a variety of communications channels and tools. Traditionally, this meant public relations professionals would work with members of the news media to build a favorable image by publicizing the organization or product through stories in print and broadcast media. But today the role of public relations is much broader and includes:

  • building awareness and a favorable image for a company or client within stories and articles found in relevant media outlets
  • closely monitoring numerous media channels for public comment about a company and its products
  • managing crises that threaten company or product image
  • building goodwill among an organizationโ€™s target market through community, philanthropic and special programs and events.

Public relations is not a magic pill – it must be worked and managed like other marketing tools and tactics. But if done well, it can help entrepreneurs break through the clutter and give us a presence far greater than we have.

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