Figuring out the right pricing for your startup is a challenging, yet crucial, part of building a successful company. The way you price your product or service can make or break your startup. So, itโ€™s important to understand the pricing landscape of your market and how your company fits into it to get your startupโ€™s pricing right.ย Pricing is a balancing act that involves psychology, art and science. You must price high enough to make a profit and low enough to attract customers. Understanding the different pricing strategies and best practices can help you find the approach, and ultimately the prices, right for your business.

“Understanding the different pricing strategies and best practices can help you find the approach, and ultimately the prices, right for your business.”ย 

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To harness the various pricing tactics available into an effective strategy requires following a few key best practices and principles.

  • Be Different.ย Establish a different price point from your competition, even if itโ€™s only slightly different. Research says identical pricing tends to discourage sales.
  • Keep it Simple.ย Research published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology found that prices with more syllables look and sound higher to consumers. For example, $1,500.00 looks more expensive than $1,500, and $1,500 looks more expensive than $1500.
  • Bundle.ย Bundling items, emphasizing free offers or adjusting sales copy can also influence perceived value and pain.
  • Donโ€™t Emphasize Bargains.ย While this may work for some brands with superior logistics capabilities like Amazon or Walmart, for most companies, it will create a perception of lower value, along with diminishing return on investment.
  • Use Price Anchoring.ย The first piece of pricing information consumers see affects or โ€œanchorsโ€ their perception of subsequent items. This means that contrasting a premium product with other products can help enhance its perceived value.

No single strategy is appropriate for all situations. Selecting a pricing strategy that fits your business requires knowing your companyโ€™s target market, accurate market data analysis, knowing your production costs and capability and logistics and understanding your capital.

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