What It Means to be CEO

There will be plenty of times that you debate with yourself and others, whether you are qualified or even want to be the CEO of the company. Whether youโ€™re eager for the position or pushed unwillingly to it, you must be the CEO during the entrepreneurial launch stage of your company. Whether it is just you, a small team or fifty of you, you need to act like the CEO and must do many things, including:

  • Set the priorities of the company
  • Align the organization to those priorities
  • Ensure that the company is properly funded
  • Inspire people to stick to the vision
  • Clearly communicate with the various constituents of the company

“We WILL be there with you every step of the way.”ย 

Being the CEO of an established company is hard enough, but being the CEO of a developing business is the ultimate baptism by fire. In most cases, you must do it all without formal training. It takes most leaders their entire career to develop the skills of a good CEO. Is it fair to expect you to learn all the skills of a CEO when it takes most a lifetime? Of course not.

Too badโ€”you have to learn those skills in a fraction of that time. Youโ€™re on the accelerated course. You must be the leader.

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