Don’t Evaluate Your Life in The Middle of The Fight

It’s natural for people to start analyzing their lives and happiness when things don’t go according to plan or when under immense pressure. It’s human nature. However, for the entrepreneurs that’s every day life. When things go wrong, it makes my mind wander to why I am doing this. Am I really cut out for this? Am I happy? Is this what I want? We tend to forget why we started on this journey in the first place.

“It’s natural for people to start analyzing their lives and happiness when things don’t go according to plan or when under immense pressure.” 

While you shouldn’t evaluate the meaning of your life every day, you must put aside time to do it on a regular basis. Otherwise, you fall victim to the momentum of daily activities and obligations without asking yourself, “Am I happy?” For years, I didn’t do this.

But not asking yourself periodically whether you are happy can lead you down a path of doing what you do today because you did it yesterday. There are always changes you can make. Bring in more capital to enhance your team. Change your role. Sell your stake in the company. You always have choices.

Set aside a time for two hours every other weekend either alone, or with someone you trust who is not involved in the business. You want to reflect when no one is watching. This is a time not to be on stage and to be candid with yourself about where you are.

During this time, ask yourself the following questions:

Happiness. Am I happy? Even with the challenges, am I enjoying the journey? Do I get fulfillment about the progress we are making? Do I get excited when we win a customer, hire an employee or finish a project?

Sacrifice. Is the pressure and strain worth the sacrifice I am making? Be candid with yourself about the sacrifices you are making. They may be personal or financial or the opportunity costs of not doing other things. There is nothing wrong with sacrifice, as long as that sacrifice feels worth it to you.

Doing Things You Like. How can I remove myself from the parts of the business I am not good at or I don’t like? Understanding the parts of the business you are not good at or that you don’t like are important to growing your business. This is also important for you. These are the elements of your day that are draining you. Identify these parts and use this time to think about how to remove them from your day now or in the future.

Do I Want to be CEO? Do I want to be the builder or the visionary? Do I want to be CEO? I know your first reaction: “How dare you ask me this question? After all that I have done to get here, now you don’t want me to be CEO?” At first, this is an uncomfortable question. Of course, you want to be CEO—you built it. However, being the CEO of an early stage venture is more about building the foundation of a business and managing its daily operations, than it is about your vision.

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