“Master your messaging and communication skills within your writings.”
Communication via Written Word
Much of the communication done in business is via the written word, whether on emails, in reports, in letters, in blogs and articles, in books, on text messages, on social media posts or on other relevant formats. To get your message across as you’d like, you must know how to write well.
This doesn’t mean that you need to be perfect, but you do need to check your work for errors (in spelling, grammar, and data) and utilize spell-check tools or proofreaders, particularly on your most important documents. After all, while you may not like it, the fact is that people will judge you by your writing skills. If you send out poorly written items, this can reflect negatively on not just yourself but also your organization.
Furthermore, in business it is a good idea to learn how to communicate using the written word in a way that is both concise and direct. This helps to ensure that there are fewer chances for readers to misinterpret your words, and it saves you time to boot. Well-written emails, letters, articles, and the like are also much more likely to get opened, read, shared, replied to, and remembered.
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