When you are getting started, you know you need help but often don’t have the money to pay employees. Every entrepreneur faces the question of how to pay employees during the startup stage when money is tight and the business has yet to prove itself.
“There are ways to compensate workers that won’t break the bank.”ย
Here are some creative ways to compensate your employees during the startup stage:
- Hire Stay-at-home Moms and Dads. Part-time employees, particularly stay-at-home moms and dads, are a secret weapon for startups.
- Defer Compensation. One of the most common ways that cash-strapped entrepreneurs hire employees is by convincing them to accept deferred or delayed compensation. There are different ways to do it: a deferred cash bonus until the business generates a certain amount of revenue; an increased salary when the employee hits performance milestones; or back-pay provided when the business becomes profitable.
- Use Equity and Stock Options. Another alternative is to offer employees equity grants or stock options instead of cash.
- Employ Interns and Volunteers. Hiring unpaid staff is an obvious solution for startups but one that’s often overlooked. Colleges and universities are teeming with bright young workers willing to work part time or full time during vacations to gain experience.
- Focus on Revenue. As any entrepreneur will tell you, the best way to pay for three employees when you only have the financial resources to hire one is to generate more revenue.
These techniques can help you lessen the burden of the need for resources.
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