Create a Standard Process

Hiring is hard. Do you give candidates a test? Do you ask about their experience or pose theoretical situations to see how they think them through? These questions are hard enough for recruiters to answer and even more of a mystery for entrepreneurs. Enhancing your talent efforts is a combination of creating a process for interviewing and improving how you interview candidates through that process.

“Relying on someone’s “gut” feeling is not a process.”

Hiring Process

Relying on someone’s “gut” feeling is not a process. A process structures the timing and evaluation tools you use to optimize your hiring efforts. You should create a standard process to streamline your interview process:

  • Determine the Interview Team. Determine who will interview a candidate. If it is just you, include third parties such as advisors that may bring a more objective view of a candidate than you and your team can.
  • Create a Standard Evaluation Form. Create a standard form that scores the individual on the areas that are important to the company. This allows for an objective score as a starting point that can then be colored with qualitative opinions.
  • Structure a Standard Process. Establish a standard process for distributing resumes, collecting feedback and following up.
  • Check References Closely. Dig deep into references to find out as much as you can. Challenge references to point out challenges the candidate how to deal with, areas they could improve upon or an example of how they fell short. Try to get as candid an assessment as you can.
  • Come Up With a Score. Use your standard scoring template to come up with numerical assessments from every team member. Use those rankings to hold discussions among team members to make final decisions.

With this process in place, you create some discipline around which you can best apply your judgment.

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