Changing Your Perspective About Entrepreneurship to Unlock Performance

What is your organizations’s perspective about entrepreneurism?

Entrepreneurism is “interesting” but it is hard to see how entrepreneurism delivers returns to our business at meaningful scale or that can have a meaningful impact on near term or long-term results.

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Entrepreneurism is the “energy” that improves performance of our core business, unlocks the potential of innovation, unleashes the talent in our organization and is critical to retaining the talent we require to compete.

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When kaizen (“change for better”) was the foundation for lean manufacturing and The Toyota Way, did Toyota train workers to be “entrepreneurial”? They probably did – but didn’t call it that.  When workers at Toyota made an improvement in the manufacturing process, were they being entrepreneurial or simply practicing kaizen? Put differently, could kaizen have thrived if not for the entrepreneur in every worker?

Consider these definitions of an entrepreneur. The entrepreneur is someone who:

  • organizes, operates and assumes the risk for a business venture.

  • organizes and manages a business, usually with considerable initiative.

  • risks their own capital in a business enterprise.

Wouldn’t every CEO want each employee to assume the risk for a business venture, with considerable initiative, as if they were investing their own capital. How would an organization perform if every employee “owned” successes and failures?

To compete in today’s economy, organizations have to change their perspective from thinking entrepreneurism is a nice to have and a recruiting slogan to a realization that it is the oxygen that can deliver performance in their core business, optimize investments in innovation and drive the performance and retention of key talent.

How We Change Your Perspective

The Lonely Entrepreneur Corporate Programs helps:

  • Organizations change their perspective about entrepreneurism

  • Employees change their perspective about embracing entrepreneurism to the benefit of the organization and their own professional development

Our program changes this perspective by:

  • Understanding the nature of the corporate beast

  • Acknowledging how the organization and its employees are “under the influence “ of the pressures of corporate objectives

  • Understanding how these pressures stunt entrepreneurism in the organization and its employees

  • Providing tools to change perspective of the organization and its employees – both on a holistic and day to day level

  • Providing specific tools and insights that can be applied today while addressing the broader perspective of the organization

  • Creating a new perspective for the organization to target to unleash the power of the entrepreneur

Our program is designed for both leadership and employees.

For information on our Corporate Program, Contact Us.