Any company should have a set of goals in place. Some of these goals may be short term, but the ultimate goals should dictate how you plan for the long term, and determine where you want the company to end up.

“Without knowing where you’re going, it’s not really possible to plan at all. ”ย 

Here are some examples of goals for you and your company:

  • Increase Personal Wealth: A common long-term goal is for the new venture to eventually increase the business ownerโ€™s personal wealth. Increasing an entrepreneurโ€™s personal wealth may mean different things to different people. While the common definition would be an increase in financial resources, other definitions may include a flexible work schedule, creating a company to meet social needs in society or improving the lives of individuals working in the business venture. These long-term goals help entrepreneurs stay on track when starting a business and creating plans for increasing the entrepreneurโ€™s wealth.
  • Expand into New Opportunities: Entrepreneurs may start a business with the plan to grow and expand the business into new opportunities or business industries. This long-term goal allows entrepreneurs to focus on making their business the biggest and best in its industry. Entrepreneurs setting these types of goals often have a bigger plan in mind when starting a business. These plans may require the help of other individuals or economic resources to grow the business. Entrepreneurs may also look to expand the business quickly using whatever means possible.
  • Go Public: Taking a business public may be a long-term goal of entrepreneurs. This long-term goal may take several years to complete. Small businesses must usually have a strong history of financial performance in specific business operations and ensure future investors about the companyโ€™s long-term viability in the business environment. Entrepreneurs may also need to recruit other individuals to work in the business who have extensive experience or expertise in the business industry.
  • Lasting Legacy: Entrepreneurs may choose to start a business to create a lasting legacy for their family. Starting a business may allow individuals to recruit family members into the company and employ them for running the business. Many of todayโ€™s largest companies started as simple family businesses.

Imagine that the date is five years from now. Where do you want to be? Will you be running a business that hasn’t increased significantly in size? Will you command a rapidly growing empire? Will you have already cashed out and be relaxing on a beach somewhere, enjoying your hard-won gains? Answering these questions is an important part of building a successful plan.

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