“You can find business mentors all around you.”
Three Things to Consider Before You Start Hunting for a Business Mentor
1. What Exactly do You Want From a Business Mentor?
What role do you want the mentor to play in your business growth? Are you looking for somebody to coach you on how to be a successful
entrepreneur? Make sure that your expectations, objectives, and goals are clear in your mind. Doing so will most likely align you with the right mentors to boost your career path.
2. Who are Great Mentors?
A great mentor may not necessarily be that entrepreneur who makes the most money. We all know that there is much more to the entrepreneurial journey than just making money. You should always keep this in mind when you think of where or how to find a mentor in business.
It is noteworthy that the best mentors will not lay it all bare for you. They will not spoon-feed you, instead they will help you understand the foundations and complexities of issues like entrepreneurial innovation or decision-making in a way that will help you understand and think differently about how to solve problems in your own company.
A good mentor understands that each business situation is different, and even though the entrepreneurial process is very similar for most, mentors should be able to advise you in such a way that you can go back to your company with the knowledge and tools you need to succeed.
3. Do They Have Time For You?
When you find business mentors, it is important to make sure that they have time for you. Most entrepreneurs are very busy managing their businesses and the best way is to build a real relationship organically from the beginning.
You can start with CEO’s and founders of reputable organizations in your locality, email them or connect with them on LinkedIn and say how you admire their work or their business. If you heard them speak at a conference or local event, mention how that inspired you to become an entrepreneur and ask for some more advice about a specific issue they have solved over a cup of coffee. A direct approach works!
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