“Objections are an opportunity to learn customer’s issues.”
- Don’t Interrupt an Objection. Avoid the dangerous temptation to jump in and answer the objection right away. Your customer deserves the right to voice an opinion fully. Besides, the more you let customers talk, the more likely they’ll talk themselves right through the objection or handle it on their own. Maybe they just had to “get it out.”
- Minor and Major are Different. There are two kinds of objections: minor and major.
- Minor objections are nothing more than a defense mechanism. Your customer probably just wants to slow down the sales process a bit. He or she may just want a few more moments to consider all the facts and figures you’re providing. Handled properly, minor objections tend to fade away and your presentation can continue.
- Major objections are something you cannot overcome. For example, if your prospect just doesn’t have enough money to make the purchase, it’s impossible for him or her to become a client. When you encounter a major objection (and it truly is a major objection), it’s time to disengage. Be courteous and don’t brush off the prospect, but at this point it’s time to move on.
- Never argue. This creates an impossible situation. As a trained presenter, the salesperson usually has the edge, and can win the argument. This leaves the prospect with only one vehicle for getting even–buying from somebody else.
- Ask for More Detail. Be serious about your need for more information and get the customer talking. This does two things for you: (1) gathers information and (2) gives you time to develop a strong answer.
- Provide the Answer. Every product ever sold has strengths and weaknesses. Champion salespeople are ready to discuss those weaknesses honestly and intelligently. Instead of worrying about them or creating nightmare fantasies in your mind, study them. Develop all the different ways you can address the situations.
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