If you know enough to properly manage international technical resources, an emerging company can highly benefit from the economics of working with offshore resources for technical services. But it takes real effort to realize the benefits and minimize the risks. Offshoring can be low cost, but itโ€™s important not to be low involvement. If managed well, you can realize greater production at a much lower cost. If not, the headaches can cost you more.

“The devil is in the details when it comes to outsourcing.”ย 

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Here are some tips on how to get it right:

  • Treat It as One Team.ย If you work with offshore resources directly, indirectly or with an outsourced service provider – treat each of them as your own employees to be successful. They need to be integrated within the family that is your startup. They all should be treated in a way that makes them feel an important part of the business.
  • Blended Group.ย To get the best value for money, while retaining control of your development, use a blended on-shore/offshore team and take advantage of each teamโ€™s strengths. This allows your core team to focus on the most value creating activities and leverage the knowledge they have while unlocking resources that can take on other supporting or complimentary functions.
  • Develop Clear Requirements.ย Without the benefit of being in the same office, or the same country, or even speaking the same language, the development of clear requirements is essential. These requirements also require training – to get your offshore folks not only to read a document but to understand it by initial and ongoing communication about what you are trying to accomplish. When you launch a project, hold training sessions to explain requirements thoroughly and use early check in meetings to make sure everyone is working with the same set of ideas.
  • Have Regular Deliverables.ย Ensure that demonstrable work is delivered regularly, such as in agile sprints, so product owners can stay in touch with the direction of the build and adjust quickly if necessary.

The devil is in the details when it comes to outsourcing. Put in place some of these management techniques to give yourself the best chance of success.

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