How do we determine the viability of our idea? For all of us that have become entrepreneurs, we believe that what we’re doing is unique. We put our heart and soul into our idea but sometimes our obsession clouds our judgement. Let’s say that you are about to start a meatball restaurant, and your friends say to you – “there are already tons of meatball restaurants.” Event though that’s true, you are likely to say – “but you’ve never tasted my meatballs.”

Ask a business colleague who doesn’t have a personal connection to you to listen to your idea.

So when you have such an unwavering idea, how do you determine if it’s really viable? Try this – ask a business colleague who doesn’t have a personal connection to you, but has business experience or sounds business judgement to listen to your idea. It can’t be your husband, your wife, your girlfriend, boyfriend or your best friend or anyone who has a vested interest in you. What you’re looking for is true objectivity. Chances are, they’ll give you the brutal truth and you’ll have a much better understanding if your idea is viable.

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