With your support, our hospitality colleagues will now have access to the knowledge, tools and support they need to guide them on their next journey.

No one has been more affected than the hospitality industry. Many of our colleagues will need to develop entrepreneurial skills – whether by choice or necessity. They have served us for years. Now is our time to serve them. The Lonely Entrepreneur, a 501c3 corporation, has created the Helping Hospitality initiative to empower our colleagues with the knowledge, tools, and support they need to succeed on their journey.


Through this initiative, corporations, philanthropies and individuals “sponsor” entrepreneurs to receive free access to The Lonely Entrepreneur Learning Community – a one-stop shop for the knowledge, tools and support individuals need to be entrepreneurs. Each organization can choose both the funding amount and type of entrepreneur you’d like to help!

What better way to help our colleagues than by providing them with the knowledge, tools and support they will need on their next journey?


Are you an individual entrepreneur that would like to be
sponsored to receive the Learning Community for free?


Would your organization like to have your
members receive the Learning Community for free?


Trinette Britt-Johnson is Founder and President of TBJ Development Group, a Chicago based group of companies focused on real estate development, brokerage, and property management. Utilizing professional insight, experience and creativity, TBJ has executed deals totaling over $30 million in transaction value.

Over the past 25 years, Trinette has provided organizational leadership and economic development in Chicagoland communities. She is recognized as one of Chicago’s Smart Leaders from the Chicago Association of Neighborhood Development Organizations having taken the lead in neighborhood development projects including residential housing development and transit oriented development. She is Instrumental in development projects being the recipient of awards from the Chicago Developer Awards for Outstanding Non-Profit Real Estate Project, the Amoco Leader Award in Housing, Good Neighbor Award from the Chicago Association of Realtors, Chicago Rehab Network Award for New Homes Project, the American Institute of Architects on Transit Oriented Development, and Recognition and Appreciation for Commitment to Community Development from the Chicago Rehab Network.

Trinette has a Master in Urban Planning and an undergraduate degree in Industrial Engineering from Purdue University, Calumet. She is Chairwoman of the Village of Olympia Fields Economic Development Committee, a member of the International Council of Shopping Centers and an Illinois licensed Real Estate Broker.