In the chaotic world of entrepreneurship, it is rare that entrepreneurs assess how they work, and how they organize and execute their days. We are often running from fire to fire and don’t think about the ways we can be more efficient, more balanced, more rested and more effective.

What is Selling?

As entrepreneurs, we almost always have to be the chief salesperson until we are able to hire sales team members, So what makes successful salespeople. What so few of us are willing to accept is this fundamental truth: Great salespeople, like great athletes, simply do the basics very well. Some of us would like to believe that there’s a shortcut around the basics; that there’s a secret formula out there for just sitting back and letting the money roll in. The sooner you get rid of that illusion, the sooner you can get on with reaching the heights you want to reach through effective use of the basics.

“You have to spend time with the people that make buying decisions. Determining who these people are is important.”

When we get in touch with potential customers, the key to success in selling is to refine your skills during these initial contacts to become memorable to them. Your goal here is simply to get another call or meeting which is where your selling process starts.

Many salespeople spend most of their time talking to the wrong people. It doesn’t matter how eloquently you present your service or product if you do that. You have to spend time with the people that make buying decisions. Determining who these people are is important.

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