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"TLE's resources and community continue to be a huge support to Manolo's Best Chili and Soups. We remain optimistic and confident that we will thrive and innovate despite the current conditions. My conviction that success remains a realizable goal is due in great measure to my association and involvement with TLE in general, and the Survival Guide in particular."
"Michael's storytelling is my favorite part of the fireside chats, for obvious reasons. It reassures me that there will be winners in the new economy and that I am well positioned to be one of them."
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"I’ve been running my own business for 7 years and finding The Lonely Entrepreneur book and learning community has helped more than many of the programs I’ve done all combined!
The combination of practical resources and emotional support in a community run by someone who has walked the road and gets the kaleidoscope of challenges we face on a daily (sometimes hourly!) basis is invaluable.
I wish I had found it earlier and saved myself some mistakes!"
"Michael has coached me on big picture. He's coached me on how to think strategically.. on how to best setup the structure of the organization and the best play. When I first started the company, it was all about building the tool. I didn't know how to build a business.. He has given me the tools I need to survive as a sole founder to focus, prioritize, stay on task, and bring all the madness that is a startup to a centered structure for a growing business. If you are a new or seasoned entrepreneur... this will be a rewarding experience."